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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meal Plan Follow Up

I'm looking forward to posting this week about some Trader Joe's products that I love!

As for the follow up...  I switched the meal plan a bit. 

I realized that with being in nyc on Monday night, having plans for Friday night, and then Saturday night is Halloween (we'll probably just have something quick) - the meal plan was a bit unrealistic.

So, last night we ate a meal from a cooking swap we had.  Then we'll have leftovers tonight.  A meal from the meal plan Thursday night.  Not sure yet on Friday night.  A quick meal on Saturday and see if there are leftovers for Sunday.

I took the scallops meal out of the meal plan and will buy stuff for that next week.  Then I spent a bit more on a bottle of maple syrup (it's a bigger bottle, but cheaper per ounce) for whole wheat pancakes we made this morning - they were very good! 

So, here is how we came out this week.  We didn't need too much.

At Trader Joe's we got
  • Maple Syrup - $13.99
  • Dried mango - $1.69 (from the side bar)
  • Sun-dried tomatoes - $3.29
  • Frozen green beans - $1.99
  • Mozzarella cheese - $2.99
  • Frozen pepper blend - $1.69
  • Dark chocolate almonds (73% dark) - $4.99
  • Bananas - $.76
Total = $31.74

At Whole Foods we got
  • Oranges - $3.99
  • Yogurt (Brown Cow was on sale!) - $3
  • Throat drops (we've been sick) - $1.99
  • Avocado - $1
  • Bulk popcorn - $1.21
Total = $11.19

I'll post more soon on the great things we are finding!

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